5 Innovative Meeting Formats to Engage Your Team

Your search on finding the best meeting formats is about to end as with this blog post you have visited the right place. This informative content journey will talk about 5 innovative meeting formats that will help you to engage your team. In today’s conference industry, it is imperative to design memorable meetings and streamline attendees’ experiences. Attendees these days expect unique meeting locations, up-to-date technology, and collaborative activities. Cloud In Hand help in creating virtual stations for employees by Headcount solution. Let’s start this to know these modern meeting formats.
Interview form of presentation:

One of the most common ways to “mask” a formal presentation is using this structure. A facilitator or moderator who is also present on stage interviews the speaker while setting up a casual environment that typically includes armchairs and a side table. The speaking session should be brief that hardly take 15 to 30 minutes.

When there is a tendency for the focus to wane after lunch or in the middle of a lengthy program of typical presentations, it works extremely well. While choosing the themes to be discussed and the questions to be asked, the facilitator and speaker must both prepare in advance.
The environment should be a priority:

Planners and venues are taking the wider environmental ramifications of their events into account more frequently as the severe repercussions of climate change increasingly dominate the news. Even ecolodges that are tucked away in dense forests are becoming more and more popular among planners as sites to show off their dedication to sustainability. In contrast to watching PowerPoint presentations while sitting in an air-conditioned room, discussing the company’s environmental strategy around an open fire encourages innovation considerably more.
Flipped Learning session:

Before the session, participants get access to learning material, usually in the form of videos. Participants can debate the content and interact with other attendees more effectively when they have read the material in advance.

This enables participants to take in the information, remark on the slides or video, and communicate with one another regarding what they have seen. The number of messages and comments submitted will allow you, as the meeting’s organizer, to monitor the level of interaction.
Gamification session:

The use of games to encourage participation is entertaining and effective. In addition to any other activity you want to increase, you can reward points for asking questions, contributing to the discussion, voting, and other actions. Participants are encouraged to communicate with one another, express their ideas, and engage in healthy competition.

Include gamified incentives like leaderboards and points that can be redeemed for things when the meeting is ended. The leaderboard or point counting should be restarted after each session or day of a multi-day meeting. In this manner, more people will have a chance to rise to the top of the leaderboard. So that early leaders don’t lose steam, include a cumulative winner at the conclusion.
Concluding words:

The above-mentioned are the main formats for the meeting. Once you read this informative blog, you will get an idea about all types of meeting formats. There is no doubt that these meeting formats will definitely help you to engage your team. Furthermore, if you want to know more about meeting formats along with track safety training, you can visit the website of Cloud In Hand. Moreover, if you have any questions regarding meeting formats or suggestions for us, you can leave your message in the below comment box. Thank you!

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